You may have already read a lot of information about SEO. But let's face it: a lot of it is complicated. From meta tags to site maps, it is not always easy to boost your optimization for the search engines. So here are some really easy things you can do to make sure that you are not falling behind in regards to SEO.

1. Use the right keywords. This is probably the simplest thing you can do to boost SEO success. Think for a minute about your ideal site visitor. If they are looking for what you have, what words would they put into the search engine box? When you know the answer to this question, you are able to do so many things easily. Keywords will attract search engines to your site, but even more than that it allows you to have something to focus on. You will save a lot of time and worry by merely focusing your efforts on using your keywords.

2. Join a forum that is related to SEO. This is another great SEO action to take. In an SEO forum, you are going to find people who know what they are talking about; people who know how the search engines work; people who can help you. This one step can save you weeks of research and work.

3. Fill your site with unique, well-written content. This is not only good for SEO, but good for you as well. Why do you care if the search engines index you or not? Because you want site visitors, right? So it is important that your site be well regarded by visitors, or your entire SEO plan was pointless. Make sure your site content has a keyword density of about 2-3% for every 500 words, and make sure that content is engaging enough to attract and keep visitors.

4. Start backlinking. Backlinking, the practice of getting others to place links back to your site, is a very important one in the SEO world. You can do this very easily by writing articles and sharing them with people in your field. You can ask people to put their article on their site, or you can simply post your article on article directories. You will get a few backlinks that way. You can also do link exchanges with likeminded people.

5. Be patient. This may not seem easy, but if you understand how SEO works, it will become easier. Instead of fretting that you haven't been indexed by the search engines after all the work you have done, consider this: it takes time. You will be able to relax when you realize that it just takes time for the search engines to rank you in the position you want.

SEO doesn't have to be a difficult thing. There are a number of steps you can take to make sure that your site gets ranked well without feeling overwhelmed. Keep the above tips in mind and you will be fine!