You might be having some degree of success in your business using internet marketing, but you might find that something isn't completely working. You might get the feeling that there is a component missing that could cause your business to skyrocket. It could be that your company needs something new: a partner. A partner can offer you fresh ideas, new talent, and connections you may not have but could use. Here are some tips for bringing a partner in to help with your internet marketing.

1. Find a partner in a familiar place. While it is not advisable to go into business with your family or close friends, there is still room for you to find someone whose talents you are aware of, and who you get along with. Look around online forums you frequent, talk to people you already know. Perhaps there's someone who you have always respected, or someone who has been asking to help?

If you can't find anyone you know, consider putting out the word that you are open to a partner and what you are looking for

2. Choose a partner that complements you. Look carefully at your business. Do an honest assessment of yourself and your strengths and weaknesses. Your ideal partner is someone who is strong where you are weak, so that is what you should look for. Look for someone who has shown moderate success with internet marketing on his own, and someone that is kind and friendly. You might not think you need someone kind and friendly as a partner as long as he knows how to make money, but you certainly will if there is every any kind of dispute between you.

3. Think about a partner that can help you expand into new markets. For example, if you would like to break into the spanish speaking market, look for a partner that is fluent. Two people with two different skillsets mean that you can involve yourselves in more markets than you could alone.

4. Come up with a fair way to split profits. This is where a lot of partnerships fall apart. Before you ever start working together, come up with a contract of some kind so that you both are held to some kind of standard. Whether you divide it 50/50 or choose some other kind of division, stick to it for at least six months. After that, you should renegotiate periodically to make sure the split is working for each of you.

5. Be patient with whomever you choose. It can be much easier to work by yourself rather than someone else. You don't have to ask questions, you don't have to wait for someone else to do the work, and you don't have to listen to what they say. But a partnership can be rewarding if you just give it time and learn to understand how the other works.

If you and another marketer join forces, you will be much stronger in internet marketing. Choose wisely.